How to register the mobile app over TLS.

By default the mobile app registers using TCP, this guide shows you how to change it to TLS.

Registering the app over TLS requires a config change to be made in the Configs section of the platform.

To begin, click on "Configs" in the Global View.


From here, search for "MOBILE_REGISTRATION_SERVER"


Click on the name to view details.


Select "Add Config" in the top right.


Set "Value" to

WARNING: The below will force TLS on all of your domains, if you'd like to test on a single domain or user first, then set a filter like below (leaving user blank will set for the entire domain, also, you must configure a domain for the user filter to function):


When ready, click "Add".

IMPORTANT:  Once configured TLS will not be applied until the end user logs out and back in, as such if you are applying this for all of your customers then we recommend you alert them to the change so that they know to relog.


How to check if TLS is working.

First make an outbound call on the application to any number. 

From here, find the SIP trace for that call in the call history (How to share a SIP Trace)

Click on the first "Invite" under the device you made the call from.


On the right hand side you should see "TLS" as the connection method, as per the below image.