Yealink - Multicast Paging

This article shows how to configure multicast paging on a Yealink device

The following override consists of two parts:

  1. The 'listen' override lines will allow devices with this setting to receive pages from other devices.
  2. The 'linekey' override lines will allow devices with this setting to send pages to other devices.

Listen Override

Listening Instructions - Add to ALL Phones

multicast.listen_address.1.label="page all"

The listen address is what acts as the receiver for the internal paging system, the "label" is what will show up on the phones screen when the listen address is called.


Linekey Override

The below will add a BLF key to use for paging, replace X with the corresponding key you'd like to have paging on.



Explaining the Setup

Line key Type 24 is Specific to multicast paging and only for this feature, The value IP and Port can be almost anything but bear in mind that the IP must match the listening and that any IP that you use will not be able to be used on the network in question as it may cause issues, the same goes for any ports on the system.

There are a few ways of setting this up for the value and there is not a "best" way that can be blanket applied to multicasting, when setting up you may wish to change the IP per phone for each paging setup or you may wish to setup different ports to each phone instead.

While their is not set IP range that the phones need bar the generic IPV4 style address and the port it is advise that it be something that would never be taken by a router or other device by accident.

NOTE - Any paging configuration added to the default setup for a yealink device will automatically drop the current call on the device and that all paging is one way and does not notify the person making the announcement that the paging was successful.