What Options Do I Have When Uploading Greeting Messages?

This shows the options you have when uploading greeting messages; Text-To-Speech, Upload, and Record.

Whenever you upload a greeting message into the portal, the format will be the same and you will have the same options, this includes voicemail greetings, Auto Attendant greetings, and Queue Intro Greetings.

There are 3 options available:

  • Text-To-Speech
  • Upload
  • Record



This allows you to enter text into a field which then the platform will auto generate a message based on what is typed.


1 - Message: This is where you enter the message you want to play

TIP: The text to speech engine is quite advanced but it's not perfect, sometimes you will have tinker with a bit in order to get it to say the phrase exactly how it needs to be said. If it mispronounces a word try spelling it differently to how it's actually spelt, and if the spacing between words isn't correct then try putting commas and/or full stops in places they wouldn't normally be to force the engine to pause.

2 - Language: Can also be interpreted as accent, by default you have access to UK English and American English voices. If you'd like another language speak with your technical contact for more information.

3 - Voice: Sets the voice of the engine, different voices per language and you can preview the message by clicking the "play" icon to the right hand side of this field.


If you have an audio file to hand you can just upload it straight into the platform, it supports both .wav and .mp3 file formats.


1 - Greeting Name: Simply name the greeting.

2 - Browse: Browse your computer for the file you want to upload.


The record option allows you to initiate a call to a device on the domain you're in, this call will then prompt the end user to record a message into the device and then press the hash key when finished.


1 - Greeting Name: Set a name for the greeting.

2 - Call me at: Enter the extension number of the user you want to record the message on.

TIP: This doesn't just have to be an extension number, you can enter an external landline or mobile number too!