What does "nms" mean in the call history?

Sometimes calls say they went to "nms". This article will explain what that means.

NMS stands for Netsapiens Media Server. The NMS is the core server that processes call traffic.

There are a number of modules that make up our phone system, these are:

  • The Portal - This is the front end portal that you interact with on a daily basis
  • NMS - Sometimes referred to as SiPbx or The Core. This is the core PBX software that handles call traffic. The Portal connects to the NMS via API.
  • NDP - The endpoint server, this handles devices and config. The NDP hands out config files to phones when they connect to the server.
  • QOS - Back end reporting tool that that generates various reports for troubleshooting such as PCAP files, SIP Traces, and MOS Scores.
  • LiCf - Call recording server. All call recordings are stored on the LICF.
  • NFR - Netsapiens File Replicator, this is a service that ensures any media files are duplicated across all Geo Nodes (such as voicemails or greeting files).
  • SBus - Similar to NFR, the SBus replicates data across geo nodes, however instead of media files the SBus replicates configuration information (such as users, queue configuration, etc...).

NMS is a catch all tag that will show up in the call history if a call fails to reach a device, and there's no other tag for that situation (for example calls to voicemail show as VMail).

A common cause of this is when someone reaches an auto attendant and hangs up before selecting an option.