What Can I See in the Domain View?

A brief overview of everything in the domain view and links to appropriate guides.

1 - Home: The home tab is is what you are greeted with when you first come into the domain, it contains a few different dashboards which show information about the domain.

2 - Insights: Advanced call reporting suite.

3 - Users: Add, delete, and modify users - Understanding The User - How do I configure a user?

4 - Conferences: Manage audio conference bridges - How do I configure conference bridges?

5 - Auto Attendants: Manage and configure auto attendants, auto attendants are automated switchboards that route calls based on button presses from the inbound caller - How do I configure Auto Attendants?

6 - Call Queues: Manage call queues, call queues route calls to multiple users/devices based on certain rules, and will queue up an excess calls - How do I configure a call queue?

7- Time Frames: Create a time frame to store time data. This can be used in conjunction with Answering Rules and  TOD Numbers to route calls different depending on time of day/day of the year - How do I configure Time Frames? - How do I configure answering rules? - How do I configure time based routing on phone numbers?

8 - Music On Hold: Configure what music gets played when users in this domain put people on hold, this is the domain wide configuration but this can also be modified per Site, Queue, and User - What options are there when configuring music on hold?

9 - Inventory: Manage any phone numbers you have assigned to the domain - How do I route phone numbers within a domain?

10 - Phones: Manage any phone hardware you have assigned to the domain - How do I configure phone hardware in the domain?

11 - Call History: See a history of all calls that have taken place within the domain - What can I see in the call history?

12 - Current Active Calls: A list of all calls currently taking place within the domain.

13 - Domain Statistics: A list of statistics about the current domain (hover over the "i" symbol next to each stat for more information).

14 - Call Graph: See a graph of the usage history within the domain.