What Can I See in the Call History?

An overview of what options are available in the call history. Briefly covers filtering, exporting, and monitoring.

The domain call history shows a list of all the calls being made in the domain. The global call history shows a list of all calls across all your domains. You can use this to see data about who is making and receiving calls, to view any call recordings, and to access certain troubleshooting features.

This article won't go into detail on troubleshooting, see What options are there for troubleshooting?

Call List

125When you first come into the call history page you will see a list of all the calls in chronological order.

The list has the below columns:

1 - From Name: See the name of the user that made the call (will be blank on inbound calls)

2 - From: Caller ID of the caller.

3 - QOS: Troubleshooting feature, shows the quality of the call as well some technical network information.

4 - Dialled: The number that was dialled by the caller.

5 - To: The destination that the caller ended up. Dialled and To will be the same for outbound calls, but for inbound and internal calls the Dialled will show what DDI/Extension was called, and the To will show where the caller ended up in the platform.

6 - Date: Date and time that the call occurred.

7 - Duration: How long the call took place.

On top of the above list there is also a few buttons to the right hand side of each call.


From left to right these are:
Download: Download an audio file of the call (call recording only).

Listen: Play the call in your web browser (call recording only).

SIP Flow: Troubleshooting Feature, view a flow of SIP Requests and response codes on the call, as well as the switch logic happening on the core server.

Call Flow: Troubleshooting feature, view a breakdown of the flow of the call.


As many domains will make a lot of phone calls, you can also filter for specific calls. Click the filters button to bring up the filter configuration panel.


1 - From/To: Pick the date and time range for the calls you want to show up. Note that the range can be no more than 30 days between each other.

2 - User: Pick which user's calls you want to show.

3 - Site/Department: Show calls from a specific site/department.

4 - Caller Number: Filter for the CLID of the caller.

5 - Dialled Number: Filter the number that was dialled.

6 - Call Type: Specify what type of calls to show, options are Inbound, Outbound, Missed, Ext To Ext, and Off net.

For clarification, Ext To Ext refers to internal calls from one extension to another, offnet calls reference inbound/outbound calls from/to external phone numbers. 


You are also able to export the calls to CSV files, as well as export rated CDRs.

Click the export button to export the current filter into a .csv file.

For scheduled exports and CDR downloads see How do I export rated CDRs?.