What Can I Do In The Global View?

A explanation of the global view

This guide covers what a user can do in the global view, if you want more information on what views are and the different types, see Understanding the different portal views.


1 - Home: Navigate to the home tab which contains basic dashboards and statistics about all of your domains.

2 - Domains: This tab takes you to a list of all your domains.

3 - Inventory: Contains a list of all your phone hardware and phone numbers across all your domains.

4 - Phones: A list of all your phone hardware (same as inventory but clicking inventory requires you to click an extra button to get there).

5 - Call History: A list of all calls being made on your platform.

6 - Configs: A list of available UI configs.

7 - Tickets: Raise a ticket into our support team.

8 - Profile: Jump into your profile view or view any messages you have.

9 - Apps: A list of all apps available to the user logged in.

10 - Knowledge Base: A link to our knowledge base.

11 - Provisioning: A link to our provisioning platform.

12 - Domain Quick Launch: Enter a domain name to quickly jump into a domain. 

13 - Call Graph: Show a graph of all call activity on your platform.


1 - Domain Search: Search for a domain you want to show.

2 - Domain List: A list of all your domains as well as some information about them such as active calls and total users.

3 - Add Domain: Add a new domain. See How do I configure a new domain?.


1 - Filter: Set criteria for what numbers you want to show.

2 - Number List: A list of all your phone numbers as well as information about each one.

3 - Bulk Edit: Edit multiple numbers at once (can only be done if multiple numbers are selected on the left hand side).

4 - Import/Export: Import or Export to and from a CSV file.

5 - Add Phone Number: Add a new phone number to the platform.

6- Porting: Opens up the porting and numbering interface


1 - Filter: Set criteria for what phone hardware you want to show.

2 - Phone Hardware List: A list of all your phone hardware as well as information about each one.

3 - Builder: Start the builder module to configure DSS keys of a phone.

4 - Import/Export: Import or Export to and from a CSV file.

5 - Add Phone: Add a new phone to the platform.

Call History

1 - Filter: Set criteria for what calls you want to show.

2 - Scheduled Exports: Set a scheduled CDR export at specific reoccurring times.

3 - Export: Generate a CSV file of the current filter.