What Are User Scopes?

User scopes let you determine the level of access user's have to the platform.

User scopes are a setting that determines what level of access a user has to the online portal, as well as which views they have access to (see Understanding the different portal views).


Users with the scope of Reseller can view all information about any domains underneath them, as well as have the ability to create and modify domains and users. Resellers have access to the global view, domain view, and profile view.

Office Manager

Users with Office Manager access can view and edit everything on their own domain, however they cannot create new users, and they cannot edit information about the domain itself. Office Managers have access to the domain view and profile view.

Site Manager

Site Managers have nearly the same level of access as an office manager but they can only see information assigned the to same site that they are assigned to. Site Managers have access to the domain view and profile view.

Call Centre Supervisor

Users with the Call Centre Supervisor scope can view and modify any queues they are assigned to, as well as any agents within those queues (note the terminology "Agents", the users must be assigned the "Call Centre Agent" scope in order for the supervisor to view and modify them). Call Centre Supervisors have access to the domain view, and profile view.

Call Centre Agent

Users with the Call Centre Agent have very limited access, they have the ability to log in and out of queues as well as the ability to view limited information about the queues they are in. Call Centre Agents have access to the profile view.

Basic User

Users with scope of Basic User can only view information relating to their own user. Basic Users have access to the profile view.

No Portal

These users cannot access the portal at all.