Understanding the Different Portal Views

The Netsapiens platform is built upon a hierarchy of domains, sites, departments, and users. In order to configure these different parts of the platform the portal is split up into different "views".

A view is a section of the online portal that determines what you're able to see at any one time, and which point in the portal hierarchy you are at. The views you have access to are determined by the scope of the user who is logged into the portal (see What are user scopes?).

There are 3 different views available currently:

  • The Global View
  • The Domain View
  • The Profile View

The Global View

What can I do in the global view?

This view means you are at the top level of the hierarchy, only users of Reseller scope are able to access the global view, and Resellers will be greeted with the global view when they first log in to the portal.

From the global view, a reseller can see information about all of their domains, they can see every single phone number and phone hardware on their account, and they can view the call history of every single user in their system.

From the call history a reseller can also schedule CDR exports for billing or reporting purposes (see HOW DO I EXPORT CDRs).

The global view is generally the top level point in the hierarchy where a reseller will navigate through their end users, you can use the "Quick Launch" module on the home screen to quickly jump onto a customer's domain, or select the "Domains" tab and search for a domain that way.


The Domain View

What can I see in the domain view?

The domain view allows you to view and edit everything underneath a single domain, as a reseller you can access the domain view of a specific domain by searching for the domain in the "Domains" tab at the global view, or from the home screen quick launch module on the global view.

However, users of scope Office Manager, Site Manager, and Call Centre Supervisor cannot view the global view, and will be automatically sent to the domain view of their assigned domain when logging in.

A reseller can easily tell they are in the domain view because of the blue banner along the top of the page, which contains information about the domain they are viewing, a button to edit the domain, and button to go back up to the global view.

From the domain view a user can see any statistical information about the domain they are on, as well as add/delete/modify any features within the domain. They can view all the phones and phone numbers belonging to said domain, as well as view the call history for that domain.

A user in the domain view can then go down into the profile view by selecting their name in the top right and then selecting the option "My Account", or, if they have reseller access, they can jump back up to the domain view by selecting "View All Domains" in the top left.


The Profile View

The profile view allows you to view and edit anything belonging to the user currently logged in. Any user with portal access can see the profile view, however users with the scope of "Basic User" and "Call Centre Agent" can ONLY see the profile view and nothing else.

Users with scope higher than "Call Centre Agent" can access the profile view by selecting their name in the top right, and then selecting "My Account". They can also leave the profile view by select the "Manage Domains" button in the top right.

From the profile view users can see information such as their own personal call history, any devices attached to their user, and also any voicemail messages that have been left in the user's inbox. They can view and edit their own personal contact directory, as well as add/modify any answering rules or time framed assigned to said user. The user can also modify their own personal Music On Hold that will play when said user puts a caller on hold.

It's important to note that any users with access to the domain and global views cannot view the profile view of a user other than their user, however you can get round this by masquerading as a user you want see the profile of (see What options do I have for troubleshooting?)