The Bug Report Process

This article covers reporting bugs and the processes they go through.

What is considered a bug?

A bug is any fault/issue that cannot be fixed by the reseller, Luminate Support Team, or the Netsapiens Support Team, and instead needs developmental changes to the code of the PBX to fix.

All bugs go through a strict process to be assigned out and fixed with the dev team.

What can I expect from support?

The support team will test your issue and confirm if it is a bug or not, once confirmed your bug will placed into the bug pipeline where it will go through a set of stages.

IMPORTANT: Luminate is unable to provide any SLAs or timescales for bug fixes.

  1. Bug Raised - The bug has been raised to the development team.
  2. Bug Confirmed - The development team have confirmed that it is a bug.
  3. Jira Raised - The development team have assigned the bug to their dev queue.
  4. Version Tagged - A version number has been set as the targeted release for the bug.
  5. Bug Fixed - The version is released, and the bug is confirmed fixed.

NOTE: A tagged version is not a promise. The target may sometimes be missed.

How long will my bug take to be fixed?

There are a lot of working parts to getting a bug fix, and a lot of those parts take time.

The internal process for fixing bugs is as follows:

  1. Troubleshooting to find the cause of the issue.
  2. The bug is raised and assigned a queue to get fixed.
  3. A patch version is tagged for release.
  4. A developer is assigned to write the code for release.
  5. The code is tested and submitted for approval to bring into the tagged release.
  6. After all other tagged bugs and features are ready the release goes into QA for testing.
  7. The release is launched into Alpha for Luminate to test.
  8. The release is launched into Beta for Luminate to test.
  9. The full release is launched across all Partners.
  10. Luminate will spend 1-2 weeks testing the patch before deploying it to live servers
  11. Luminate schedules a server upgrade, usually 1-2 weeks in advance.
  12. The patch launches.

Due to the complexity of this process, most bugs will take 6-12 months from report to fix.

Some bugs will take longer.

NOTE: Bugs that are extremely urgent can sometimes be scheduled for a micro release, which happen a lot faster. However, this only happens if the bug is service affecting and widespread across multiple customers.