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  3. Teammate - Microsoft Teams Direct Routing

Teammate Setup Guide

WARNING - Teammate is a chargeable service, please see your rate card for more details. For any further questions please reach out to your account manager.

Temmate is a Third Party addon that allows you create a connection between the Netsapiens PBX and Teams, in order make calls in teams via Netsapiens (essentially using the Teams client as a Softphone to make calls). This type of setup is usually referred to as Teams Direct Routing Integration.

What Can Teammate Do?

Teammate automates most of the processes involved in linking Teams with a Third Party PBX. It also allows you to deploy a Teams application which embeds the Netsapiens portal within teams, enabling the end user to control the entire phone system via Microsoft Teams.

How do I Get Started?

To begin you will need a login to the Teammate admin portal


If you do not have a login, please raise a ticket to the support team requesting this.

Once you have a login you can view a full TeamMate setup guide on our LMS.