List of Incompatible Devices (Routers/Firewalls)

Actiontec GT704WG

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace device
Comments: This router is not SIP Compatible. Drops calls after 20 seconds.

Asus RT-N66U

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace device
Comments: This router is not SIP Compatible. It has no SIP ALG or SIP Fixup options and does not work with polycom, aastra or cisco phones.

Asus RT-N12

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace device
Comments: After testing this device using firmware version we have determined that it will not work at this time. The Router would not allow SIP packets to pass through to our SIP Proxies in any form.


Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: eplace device
Comments: This router is not compatible with VoIP services. We cannot support this router in any way and it must be replaced before using our service.

D-Link DIR-825

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace Device
Comments: This router is not compatible with VoIP.

D-Link WBR-1310

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace Device
Comments: This router is not compatible with VoIP applications as it lacks an option to disable the internal SIP ALG which interferes with IP Telephones.

Linksys WRT54G, WRT54GX, WRT54GL, WRT54GS

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace Device or Replace Firmware
Comments: This router is not recommended for use with VoIP services.

Thompson TG-585

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace Device
Comments: This router is not compatible with VoIP services. There is no method to disable the internal SIP ALG on device. Other customers have found that bridging the device to a compatible router did not result in a workaround. We recommend replacing this device with a compatible modem and router.

Netgear FVS318

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace Device
Comments: This router is not recommended for use with VoIP services. This router causes issues related to storing configuration and failed firmware downloads with Aastra series phones. The router appears to work some of the time but lacks the ability to disable the SIP ALG which causes intermittent issues with phone service. If possible we would recommend avoiding this router until Netgear makes it possible to disable the internal SIP ALG setting on the router to be compatible with voice-over-IP.

Netgear WGR614

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace Device
Comments: This router lacks the ability to disable SIP ALG and is not compatible with VoIP services.

Netgear WGT624

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace Device
Comments: This router lacks the ability to disable SIP ALG and is not compatible with VoIP services.

Netgear WRN2000

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: eplace Device
Comments: This router lacks the ability to disable SIP ALG and is not compatible with VoIP services.

SMC routers - general

Current Status: Not Compatible
Recommendation: Replace Device
Comments: Most SMC routers do not appear to be compatible with VoIP services. We would suggest that you either replace this router with a compatible one or attempt to bridge it to another router.