A brief overview of the Insights Analytics application and how to set it up for new accounts.
The Insights Contact Centre application is used for generating Analytics and live wallboards for calls in the platform.
Insights is split into 3 modules that are all linked together:
- Insights Call Centre - A call centre application that allows call centre agents and supervisors to have more control over calls. Requires the Web phone or Mobile App for full functionality.
- Insights Reports - A historical reporting suite that allows you to pull historical data and drill down into specific metrics.
- Insights Dashboards - A live wallboards application that allows you to create custom dashboards that update in real time with call data.
To navigate to Insights, ensure you are in the "Domain" view and then click on the "Insights" button along the main navigation bar.
How to provision Insights
For insights to begin collecting data you need to ensure that the users you want to report against are in a queue. (How to Create Queues)
TIP: If you do not want to use queues but still want to pull reporting data you can create the queues and add the agents but just not use the queue. This will still generate "Inbound" and "Outbound" data for the users.
The queue must also have "Statistics" set to "Yes".
In order to view the Insights button the logged in user must be of scope "Call Center Agent" or above.
Levels of Access
By default each scope has different levels of access to the portal.
- Call Centre Agent - Have limited information, can mainly only view their own statistics. For more information see the Agent view guide.
- Call Centre Supervisor - Has full reporting functionality but can be configured to only view specific Queues/Agents.
- Site Manager - Has full reporting access to the entire site they are on.
- Office Manager/Reseller - Has full reporting access to the entire domain.
Click on the "Dashboards" button to open up the Insights Dashboards application.
WARNING: The dashboards button will open the dashboards application for the currently logged in user it will NOT open the dashboards for the domain you're on.
If you are of reseller scope this means if you click this button it will bring up your user's dashboards, not the dashboards of your customer.
To open the dashboards of your customer you must first masquerade as a user on the domain you want to view the dashboards on.
The reports button will bring you to the Insights Reports application.
The settings tab will bring up the settings pane.
In here you can set your desires service level and create any custom statuses you may want
Call Queues
The call queues widget on the overview panel shows a list of all queues being tracked by Insights and gives you some basic live information and management options.
1 - Call Queue Selection - Allows you to select per queue which queues show on the active call overview (see below for the Active Calls section).
2 - Call Queue - Shows the name for each call queue.
3 - Active Calls - Shows how many active calls there are in the queue.
Click on the number to show a list of active calls
This list will show you the CLID of the caller, the dialled number, the status of the call, the agent who has taken the call, and the current call duration.
You can select the "Listen" button to listen in to the call.
NOTE: When you click the button to listen in to the call it will initiate a phone call to your logged in user. Upon answering this call the listen session will begin.
This initial call will follow the logic of your currently active answering rule.
4 - Callers Waiting - Will show you how many callers are currently in the queue waiting to be answered.
5 - Wait - Will show the wait time of the caller who has been waiting for the longest.
6 - Agents Idle - Will show how many agents are idle and currently available to take a call.
Active Calls
This widget shows a graph of active calls over the past 8 hours.
You can select queues in the "Call Queues" widget to break it down per queue. This is colour coded per queue.
Mini Dashboard
The mini dashboard shows some stats on a small widget allowing you to get quick access to some basic statistics.
This widget allows you to choose from a small pre set list of available statistics and allow you set a lower and upper thresh hold to change the colour of each stat depending on the value.
To configure, first click on the "Grid Settings" button.
Under each stat you can turn it on or off.
You can also configure a lower and upper threshold number. The lower threshold will determine at which point the stat turns Yellow, whereas the upper threshold determines when it goes red.
NOTE: If the lower threshold is left blank it will default to be 70% of the upper threshold
The stats available are:
Callers Waiting: The total amount of callers current waiting in all queues.
Average Wait Time: The average amount of time across all queues that callers have had to wait to be answered.
Average Handling Time: The average amount of time it takes to handle a call (this is total time spent on the phone, including hold time).
Service Level(%): The percentage of calls that meet the configured SLA.
Abandon Rate(%): The percentage of calls that are considered abandoned.
Calls Answered: Total calls answered across all queues
Call Volume: Total inbound calls (includes missed/abandoned/overflowed calls).
Abandoned: Total abandoned calls across all queues.
The agents overview panel allows you to view some basic information about each agent currently being tracked by insights.
1 - Sort Order: Allows you to configure how the agents panel sorts agents, options are "First Name", "Last Name", "Extension", or "Online".
2 - Search: Allows you to search the agent list.
3 - Agent Name: The name of each agent.
4 - Agent Status: The status of each agent
Online - The agent is online and available to take a call.
Unavailable (Busy) - The agent is online but already on a phone call
Offline - The agent is offline and not available for calls
NOTE: Sometimes the agent icon will show as a phone icon instead of a user icon. This means the agent is a "Device Agent" instead of User Agent.
5 - Status Time: If in a custom status this will show how long the agent has been in that status for.
If you hover over an agent's name you can also select some more options
Click the stats button to open up some basic stats about the agent.
In here you can view some basic statistics and graphs, this incudes a 24 hour summary of calls per hour, a 10 day summary of calls per day, and a break down of calls per queue.
Queue Management
Click the "Queues" button next to an agent to bring up the Queue management page.
In the queue management page you can modify the queue status per queue of an agent, as well as set their overall status and queue priority.
You can click to the "Listen" button next to an agent to listen in to their call.