How to Use the Porting Widget

This is a guide on how to use the porting widget to submit port requests.

Opening the Porting Widget

Before starting, it's important to note that you first need a domain to port the number to.

To begin, navigate to the "Inventory" tab within the global view, and select "Porting".


IMPORTANT: If the porting button is not there then your account does not have porting access, contact your account manager who will be able to enable it for you.

The porting widget will ask you to re-enter your login details, this is just the same password you use to login to your portal/apps.


From here you can see the front page of the widget, here you can filter for existing orders as well as  create new orders.

Starting a New Port Order

To start a new porting order click "Add Port Order".


From here select the domain you want to port the number(s) to.

IMPORTANT: If the domain isn't showing up in the list, click "Sync" then wait for it to complete.


If this is the first time placing a port for this domain then you will be prompted to fill out the following information about the domain.


Note that this information is used to populate the LoA and required for a successful port, therefore all fields must be completed.


From here you will see in red missing information that is required to successfully create the LoA.



The retailer is the company you're porting the number from, to set this click the "Retailer" tab and then click "Edit".


The name, address and email fields are required for a successful port, once done press save.

Domain Platform Domain

If you're getting an error for this it means that the porting widget hasn't correctly detected which domain the port is for.

First click "Domain" then "Edit".


From here, set "Platform Domain" to the domain you want:



To add phone numbers to the port, select "Numbers" then "Add Numbers".

First you will be prompted to set directory option, select the appropriate option and then click Save.



There are 3 types of number

  • MBN - The main billing number, only one of these can exist per port
  • Associated - Other DDIs associated with the MBN
  • Range - A range of consecutive DDIs associated with the MBN

STD is the area code of the number, and "Number" is the rest of the number.

For example, if you had the number "01772289132" you would set the "STD" to "01772" and the "Number" to "289132".

Once done click save.

Finalizing the Port

Once everything is added head back to the Summary and there should be a new button labeled "Create LoA".


This will generate an LoA in PDF format, you can then send this to your end user's to sign.

Once you have a signed LoA, upload it by clicking "Upload Signed LoA" and selecting the file.

The moment you upload the LoA the port will start.