What To Do When A Phone Won't Provision

Sometimes you've configured a device correctly and yet it does not provision, here are some common scenarios to test.

Has the phone been provisioned before?

If the phone has been provisioned on the Netsapiens platform before, and you are reprovisioning after a factory reset, you must first make sure to delete the phone out of the inventory first then add it back in, otherwise the provision will fail.

Ensure the phone is getting an internet connection/IP Address

It's also important to double check that the phone is actually getting an IP address from the DHCP server, it's very easy to miss this and spend hours troubleshooting when the issue was something simple.

Disable SIP ALG on the router

SIP ALG will almost always cause problems if it's enabled, and disabling it should be your top priority if you're having issues with the phones in general.

Double check the MAC address

Putting in the wrong MAC address tends to account for most provisioning errors, it's easy to forget to check this but if your phone isn't provisioning it's a good habit to always double check the MAC you've used.

TIP: Check the MAC written on the physical device NOT on the box, just in case the device was shipped in a different box.

Is the phone hitting the provisioning server?

If you navigate to "Connect" you should see a list of all your devices, under "Last Connected" and "Public IP" there should be a date and IP address showing the last time the phones connected to the server, if these both say "Not Set" but you have tried to provision the phone then something is preventing the phone from reaching the server.

If you are certain that everything else is configured correctly this is usually due to a firewall or DNS issue (see below). 

WARNING: If the phones already exist on another provisioning server for a different supplier then our provisioning tool will not work. You need to contact the previous provider and get them to remove the devices from their tool first,

If this is not possible to do and you are using Poly or Yealink devices, please get a list of the serial numbers and corresponding mac addresses, as well as the device model, then send them in to help@luminatewholesale.com so we can submit them to the manufacturer for server removal.

As these requests get raised to the manufacturer we are unable to provide any SLAs for server removal requests.

Check the line configuration

Head into the inventory and make sure the line is configured correctly, sometimes certain actions can cause the line to get malformed, if you're unsure just remove and re add.

Note:  The phone will not provision if no line is provided.

Change the protocol

If you have tried provisioning via HTTPS then try HTTP instead, and vice versa.

Remove the device then add it back again

Deleting the device from the inventory and then adding it back in again will ensure that there's no issues with the settings or the config file.

Factory reset the device

Sometimes the device can have some settings from a prior setup causing issue, making sure you factory reset the device before provisioning and help avoid these issues.

Update the firmware

Having out of date firmware on the device is a notorious cause of provisioning faults, especially on older devices. Make sure that the phone is on the latest version of firmware before provisioning.

Check the device on a separate network

This won't fix the issue but it will rule out the platform as a problem, check to see if you can provision a phone on a network separate to the main one. It will be most useful if this is a network that KNOW has working phones on our platform. If you do this and the phones provision fine , you now know the issue is on the local network.

Check the firewall settings

Make sure there is nothing in the firewall blocking SIP traffic, see here for which ports need to be open.

Change the DNS settings

Faulty DNS can cause a wide variety of problems, including phone system issues. Try changing the DNS on the phone to the following:

Primary DNS:

Secondary DNS:

Put the phone on a static IP address

Occasionally a device may receive erroneous information from the DHCP server, sometimes it's worth moving the device onto a static IP in order to prevent this from potentially being an issue.