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  3. Luminate Studio - Professional Voice Recordings

How to manually create a compilation in Luminate Studio.

This article goes over the manual setup for a compilation without using the AI Assistant

IMPORTANT: We recommend using the AI Assistant to create compilations as most of the setup is automated.

Creating The Compilation

NOTE: Before creating a compilation you need to ensure you have configured which messages will play in the compilation.

  1. Head to "On Hold & Queue".
  2. Click on "Add Compilation"
  3. Ensure that the "Delivery Method" is set to "Stream".
  4. Configure the compilation to your needs (see here on how to do this). Then click create compilation.

Creating The Queue

IMPORTANT: The queue is what Studio uses to link the compilation to Netsapiens, if you don't follow this step the compilation will not work correctly.

  1. Click on "Queues".
  2. Click on "Create New Queue".
  3. Give the queue a name (this can be anything).
  4. Set the compilation you want syncing.
  5. Set the timezone that you want the Syncing to take place on.
  6. Set the "Stream Type" to "Studio".
  7. Click "Create Queue".

Uploading the Compilation To Netsapiens

Once your compilation is ready, you can upload your compilation to the netsapiens portal by following this guide.