How to download CDR Reports on Datagate

The Datagate billing portal can be used to download CDR and service reports

To login to the billing portal, head to

If you do not have a login yet, please submit a ticket at


First, head to the "Reports" Tab.


Select "Generate" on the report you want to see.

  • Call Data Export - This is your CDR.
  • Invoice Report - This is a break down of all services.
  • Port Report - This is a breakdown of all your porting/numbering charges.


Select the date range you want to report on. If you want to report on an entire invoice, select the month prior to your invoice being sent out (for example, if you received your invoice on September 4th, then select all of August).

TIP: You can just select "Last Month" to get the report for an invoice you've just received.


Once ready, click "Generate" and your report will download after a delay.

IMPORTANT: If your report is quite large, especially with CDR files, then the generation can take a long time. Extremely large reports can take 5-10 minutes to generate.