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  2. PBX
  3. Answering Rules & Time Frames

How to Create a Night Key. (Toggleable Time Frames)

A guide on how you can use the timeframe toggle function to create a night key.

In order to set up toggleable timeframes, you will need to firstly set the call routing of the main number to go to a User of the queue or attendant. For example, if the clients main business number goes to a call queue, you will need to set the 'Treatment' as User and it will be the same extension number of the queue.

Next, you will need to create a new timeframe set to 'Always'.

Then you will need to navigate into the 'Users' tab and find the call queue as a user.

TIP: 'Hide System Users' will need to be unticked in order to show queues and attendants as Users.

Once you click into the User, click into 'Answering Rules' you will need to click 'Add Rule'.

You will then need to select the Time Frame that you have created (set to Always) and untick the 'Enabled' setting.

The Call forwarding option is what you would like to do with the call when the timeframe has been toggled. For example, you can set it to go to an external number or a voicemail greeting etc.

Once the key is added, ensure you drag it to where you'd like it to be in the priority list 

NOTE: Any rules you have that appear above the night key rule will take priority over the rule even when the key is toggled.

Remember to route default up to where you would like calls to go when the timeframe is toggled.

Now we will need to set up the button on a Deskphone. In order to do this, you would go into the 'Phones' tab and into 'builder' by clicking the cog symbol next to the device you would like to implement the button on. Select a button that you would like to configure the timeframe toggle on. Set the Feature to 'Timeframe Toggle' and input the name of the new timeframe that you have created. Next to this box, you would enter what you want the button's name to appear as. Below this, you need to input the extension of the User that the answering rules have been modified and where the calls are now being routed to.

NOTE: There is a known bug where you will enter the name of the time frame and it will show an error saying it can't find it, however as long as you spell it exactly as it is written in the name you can still save the configuration and it will work.

Then, simply click 'Save and Resync' and the button will appear.

Once you click this button, it will say 'timeframe deactivated' and will disable the timeframe (in the answering rules of the user) and route calls to the default.