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  2. ADD ONS
  3. Luminate Studio - Professional Voice Recordings

How to create a demo company in Luminate Studio.

If you want to show off the Studio solution to a customer, but you don't want to be billed for it, you can turn on "Demo" mode for a customer.

This will prevent any billing charges from coming through, although it will add a watermark to all of the recordings that are generated.

  1. Log into the Reseller panel with admin permissions.
  2. Click on "Companies".
  3. Click on "Update" next to the customer you want to enable demo mode on.
  4. Enable "Is Demo" towards the bottom of the page.
  5. Click "Save Changes".

WARNING: Even if demo mode is enabled, your end customer will be given the option to upgrade. Doing so will turn off demo mode and activate the account.