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Deepgram Call Transcription and Sentiment Analysis Setup

Deepgram | Vonage

WARNING - Transcription and Sentiment Analysis are chargeable services, please see your rate card for more details. For any further questions please reach out to your account manager.

This article assumes you already know how to configure voicemail and call recording. If you do not please read these articles first.

Voicemail Guide
Call Recording Guide

Using Deepgram we are able to integrate the Netsapiens call recording service into their APIs to provide highly accurate speech to text call transcription

With Transcription and Sentiment analysis enabled, when configuring call recording on a domain/user/device/queue you will also be given the options " Yes w/ Transcription" and "Yes w/ transcription and sentiment analysis".

Simply select which one you want to configure for your end user and it will begin to transcribe from that point.

TIP: You can configure per user/device, so for example some users can have transcription and other users not have transcription.


Viewing Transcription

To view a transcribed call open the call as normal for a call recording in the call history, and you should see a dialog box similar to the above.

  1. Timeline - The timeline along the top allows you to navigate to where in the call you are, select the play button to begin play back and then again to pause it. The timeline will be colour coded depending on which person is speaking in the call.
  2. Speakers - Shows a list of all the known speakers in the call, select one to filter that for that speaker. You can also search through the list at the top.
  3. Transcription - Shows a line by line transcription of the call.
  4. Playback and Copy - This allows you to playback only the selected line, as well as copy the text to the clipboard.
  5. Download - Download the full transcription as a CSV file.


Viewing Sentiment Analysis

With sentiment analysis enabled you will have a similar box to the transcription open up. The main difference is that you will now see an option to filter for "Sentiments" on the left hand site, and also the transcription is now colour coded based on the sentiment instead of the caller.