This article goes over how to configure compilations and set schedules for messages and Christmas music.
IMPORTANT: If you don't have any existing compilations then you need to create one via the AI Assistant.
Or if you don't want to use the AI Assistant you can create one manually.
To navigate to compilations, select "On Hold & Queue" on the left hand side.
Your compilations should be listed here.
You can click on a compilation to get more information about it.
NOTE: To apply an existing compilation to a Netsapiens Queue or MoH, see here.
Click on the "Edit" button to configure a compilation.
You can change the name of the compilation at the top of the page.
You can see the messages included in the compilation here. They are played from top to bottom in order.
You can use green arrow symbol to reorder the messages.
Click the message schedule message button to schedule the message to only play on certain dates and days.
TIP: Set the end date to "01/01/9999" to have it play always. (note that the default is always).
Wait Times
You can configure the "Initial Message Wait" to specify how many seconds will the MoH play music until the first message plays.
Once the first message has played, you can configure the "Message Spacing" to determine how many seconds of wait time there will be between each message.
Comfort Messages
Periodic comfort messages can be set to play between main messages.
You can choose a comfort group, and the comfort messages will play a slightly different message each time.
Music Playlist
You can change which music is playing with the music playlist button.
Christmas Music
Enable the Christmas Music override to configure scheduled Christmas music for your compilation.
You can choose which dates you want to schedule it for and which music to play.