How Do I Route Phone Numbers Within a Domain?

A guide on how to route numbers to different features, and other features associated with phone numbers.

This article assumes you already know how to add numbers and assign them to domains, if not then please see How do I manage/assign phone numbers?.

Once you have a number on a domain, it needs to be routed somewhere within the domain to function. First find the number you want to route within the Inventory tab under the domain view, and then click on the edit button to bring up the phone number configuration panel.


1 - Enable Time Frames: Turns this number into a TOD (Time of Day) Number, this is for time based routing. See How do I configure time based routing a number?

2 - Treatment: This determines what happens with the number, see below for further clarification of all options.

3 - Caller ID Prefix: The Caller ID prefix is a string of text that get's prefixed to the Caller ID of the inbound call to this number when it is routed, allowing the end user that is called to see what number the caller rang easier. 

WARNING: If the call hits an Auto Attendant, or is rerouted via a user's answering rules, the Caller ID Prefix is lost.


The treatments determine where you want the calls to go, there are 7 treatments currently available:

Available Number: This is the default treatment, calls to numbers with this treatment will just hang up.
User: Route the call to a user.
Conference: Route the call to a conference bridge.
Call Queue: Route the call to a call queue.
Voicemail: Route the call to a voicemail inbox.
Auto Attendant: Route calls to an Auto Attendant.
PSTN Number: Route calls to an external number.

Once the number is configured how you want it, click "Save".