How Do I Configure Phone Hardware in the Domain?

A guide on adding new phone hardware into the inventory, and assigning them to user devices.

Phone hardware can be added into the phones tab on the domain view for easy configuration and auto-provisioning. Note that you can only add phone hardware to the inventory that you intend to auto-provision, if you're looking to manually provision a device see How do I configure a new SIP device/phone?

Adding Phone Hardware

To add some phone hardware, you first need to navigate to the phones tab under the domain view, from here click the "Add Phone" button.

From here the phone hardware configuration panel will pop up.


1 - Model: Select the model of phone you want to add (if the phone you want isn't here but you think it should be, speak with your technical contact).

2 - MAC Address: Enter the MAC address of the phone you want to register.

3 - Line Selector: Link each line with a phone device configured on a user, at least 1 line needs to be configured for the phone hardware to register.

WARNING: You cannot register more than one piece of phone hardware to the same phone, if you want to register 2 phone devices to the same user you need to create another phone under the User's phone tab.

4 - Notes: Enter a note about this phone.

133Here you can see the phone is now added. A configuration file is also now created for this device and you can begin auto-provisioning.