How Do I Configure a User?

A guide on how to create a new user and the settings that are associated with users.

A user is an entity within a domain usually used by a single person, a single user can represent a single SIP device within the domain or it can represent many, however a user can only have 1 extension number.

To create a user you first need to be in the domain view of a domain, then you can navigate to the "Users" tab and select "Add User".

Once you select "Add User", the new user configuration window will pop up:


From here you can configure the user's parameters.


1 - Name: Both first name and last name are required (doesn't necessarily have to be a person's name).

2 - Extension: A unique identifier that can be dialled by other user's in the domain in order to reach a user's device, the devices that rings when calling a user's extension depends on what rules are set in the answering rules (by default it will simultaneously ring every device under the user).

TIP: The extension doesn't have to be a number, you can enter letters as well. This is useful if you want a user that cannot be dialled internally.

3 - Site and Department: Will show a list of sites/departments to pick from. If you enter a site/department that is not in the list it will create a new one that other user's can be added to later.

4 - Email: This is the email address that any email notifications are sent to, such as voicemail to email and welcome emails. Click the green plus icon to add more (any email notifications generated by the user will be sent to all emails listed here).

5 - User's Scope: Sets the scope of the user, this determines what level of portal access the user gets. 

6 - Caller ID: Sets the outbound CLID of the user, this will be a drop down list showing any phone number you have configured in the domain's inventory.

7 - Enable Voicemail: By default this is ticked, which means that any calls to the user that aren't answered will go to the user's voicemail inbox. Turn this off and instead unanswered calls will just hang up.

8 - Add Phone Extension: Creates a default phone device containing the user's sip credentials, leave this on if you ever intend for the user to make or receive phone calls.

9 - Set Password: This is the default portal login password, you can leave this blank and send the user a welcome email that they can use to set up their own password later.

10 - Voicemail PIN: Set a pin for the user's voicemail inbox, when entering the inbox to listen to voicemails the pin will be asked for first. 

IMPORTANT: Whilst this can be left blank, leaving it blank doesn't remove the PIN requirement when accessing voicemails, if the user ever intends to use voicemail they will need a PIN to access it. Leaving it blank just signals that you intend to let the user do it themselves later (can also be done with the same welcome email as the password).


Once you've added the user, it will appear in the Users tab under the Domain View,  here you can select the user's name or click the edit button on the right hand side to further configure more options within the user.

Once in the user, you will be greeted with the user's profile information as well as a few tabs along the top allowing you to navigate to other parts of the user for configuration.



Under profile information you can change some basic information about the user.

You can change some of the fields you set when creating the user, as well as some others:

1 - Login Name: This can't be changed but it's showing you the username used for this user to login to the portal.

2 - Overwrite With Site Defaults: When creating a domain you set domain defaults, and when creating this user it will have set some of the fields depending on those defaults. However, when creating a site you can configure defaults just like you can with a domain, setting this to yes will change all relevant fields to the site defaults of the site this user is attached to.

3 - Language and Timezone: Set by the domain defaults, can be changed on a user by user level at this point if needed.

4 - Announce In Audio Directory: It's possible to configure an audio directory to be played on an Auto Attendant, if so this tick box determines if this user shows in said directory.

5 - List In Directory: Same as above but for the domain's shared contact list.



1 - Area Code: Set by the domain defaults, this is not relevant to UK based domains and anything you put here will have no effect. Generally people enter "000" as at least 3 digits are required.

2 - Emergency Caller ID: This is the caller ID that's sent to the emergency services if this user calls an emergency number, by default it pulls from the domain defaults when creating the user.



1 - Dial Translation: This sets number routing rules for this user, for the most part, this is set automatically when the user is created and is not needed to be changed. For more information see What is a dial plan?

2 - Dial Permission: Sets what the user can dial out to, for example UK Only will limit calls to UK numbers. Set by the domain defaults when a user is created.




Most of this is already covered when you create the user, you can also set Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication settings here if those are enabled.

IMPORTANT: If a user has already set their password or they have been sent a welcome email, the "New Password" and "Confirm New Password" boxes will disappear and will be no longer accessible.

Answering Rules

These determine what happens when you dial the User's extension number and they are covered in their own article. - How do I configure answering rules?



Here you can change any options relating to voicemail as well as upload any greetings. This is covered in it's own article. - How do I configure voicemail?



This is where you setup devices for the user, by default one is created when you create the user (unless you untick the "Add Phone Extension" box). This is covered in it's own article. - How do I configure a new SIP device/phone?




Here you get some options to manage the user's account, such as reset the account completely or send them a welcome email.