How Do I Configure a Ring Group?

A guide on adding and editing ring groups.

A ring group is an extension that, when called, will simultaneously ring every device in the group. This allows for a setup where multiple people can receive a call at once, useful for departments of people who all handle the inbound calls.

Ring groups are unique in that they do not have their own tab in the domain view, instead they are added via the Users tab.

Navigate to the Users tab under the domain view, and click "Add Ring Group" to begin.

This will bring up the Ring Group configuration panel.

1 - Name: Give the ring group a name.

2 - Extension: Set the ring group's extension number.

3 -  Site/Department: Set the site and department.

4 - Simultaneous Ring: Set the phones that will ring, the default is 1 device and you can click the green "+" icon to the right to add more.

WARNING: Note the wording "phones" and not "users". If you enter the extension "2006" it still only ring the phone with name "2006" and no other phone on the related user. If user 2006 has a mobile app for example with the phone name of "2006m", you will have to add another phone to the simultaneous ring and configure it manually. 

5 - Ring Delay: Set the time in seconds from the start of the call that this phone will start to ring.

6 - Ring Timeout: Set the time in seconds that the phones in the simultaneous ring will ring for.

7 - When Unanswered: Set where the call will route to once the Ring Timeout is reached, if this is empty then the call will just hang up after the ring timeout.

To explain what will happen in the above configuration we have created, phones 2006 and 2007 are set to ring straight away, whereas phone 2008 is set to ring after a delay of 10 seconds. After 30 seconds of ringing the call will route to the voicemail under user 2006.

This means that when a call first comes in, 2006 and 2007 will ring for 10 seconds, after which 2008 will begin to ring. 2006, 2007, and 2008 will then all ring together for another 20 seconds until a total of 30 seconds has been reached, after which the call is then routed to 2006's voicemail inbox.

When you're ring group is configured, click "Add Group".

You may notice that after saving the ring group is not in the user list, this is because the ring group is considered a "System User" and not a regular user. To view system users you will need to untick the "Hide System Users" tick box in the bottom right.