How Do I Configure a New SIP Device/Phone?

This goes over all the ways that you can connect new devices to the platform, either auto-provisioned or manually provisioned.

Phones can be added to users under the "Phones" tab on the user configuration page, a Phone is essentially a set of SIP Credentials that you can register any device to.

When you create a user there is a tick box titled "Add Phone Extension".

What this does is add an empty phone extension under the phones tab.

As you can see here the "Name" of this Phone is 2000, which is the same as the extension number of the user it's attached to. As such this is the main phone extension of this user.

In order to register any devices to the user, it must have a phone extension like this. You can add other devices later if you wish.

NOTE: If the user is missing this phone extension, simply click "Add Phone" then hit "Add" on the popup window without changing anything.

At this point you have 2 options: Auto Provisioning OR Manual Provisioning

IMPORTANT: You cannot register 2 devices to the same phone, if you need to register 2 or more phones to a user you MUST create a new phone under the user (see below for how to add multiple phones).

Manual Provisioning

Note that if you manually provision a device you will not be able to use the server's remote directory, use the builder to configure DSS keys, or any other feature which requires access to the phone's configuration file.

To manually provision a device, you first need SIP Credentials to register to.

Click the device name to bring up the configuration window.(Note that the "Model" field must be set to "Manual or Softphone" for this to work).

From here you will need to take these SIP Credentials and enter them into your SIP Device at which point it should be able to register to the platform.

IMPORTANT: All SIP registrations on the Netsapiens platform MUST use port 5080 and NOT 5060, this is a unique quality to the Netsapiens platform and it is done for security purposes. Any attempts to register on port 5060 will be rejected.

TIP: Whilst any SIP Device should in theory be able to connect to the platform, we cannot guarantee that every device will work, and some devices may require a bit of extra care to register. Some common issues we see are:

  • Poor Wording: Every device words things differently, and things may not match to what you expect. Put things in different places and have a play around with different configurations. Very commonly the field that you need to put the "Domain/Proxy" in will be a field called "SIP Server" or just "Server".
  • No registration using FQDN: Set it to the outbound proxy, however if this doesn't work try using the server's IP address instead.
  • Lack of Domain Options: If there's nowhere you can find that you think the domain should go, in the username box try entering "<username>@<domain_name>" (so in the above example this would be "2000@DocsDomain.cb"). Even if there is a place for the domain name to go, this might be worth a try if nothing else is working.

Once your device has successfully registered, the red "x" will change to a green check mark.


Auto Provisioning

Before auto provisioning a device, it's recommended to add it to the provisioning portal first so you can use zero touch provisioning, see here: How To Provision Phones

To auto provision a device you first need to assign a piece of hardware to the device, this can be done from the phone device window or from the phone hardware within the inventory.

This guide will cover doing it from User's phone tab, if you'd like to view how to do it from the inventory or you'd like to import many pieces of phone hardware in bulk refer to the guide How do I configure phone hardware in the domain?

First select the name of the device you wish to auto provision (2000 in this case).

From here you need to select the model of phone hardware you wish to use, the MAC Address, and the line number.

TIP: If the "Model" dropdown doesn't contain the phone you're looking for despite it being officially supported, this is because there is no profile configured on the provisioning server for your instance. To get it added speak with your technical contact.

Now that when the hardware is added you can auto provision it using the Global One Time Password which will be given to you during your onboarding process.

IMPORTANT: If you need to factory reset and auto provision a device for a second time for any reason you will need to manually turn on the one time password again, this can be done by navigating to the device in the NDP server and and setting the field "Allow Global Password" to "Yes".


Adding Multiple Devices

If you ever run into the need to add more than a single device to a user, then you can do this by adding Phones with a suffix in the name.

First click "Add Phone"

From here you will see a box next to the extension which you can enter a suffix in (1-2 characters), the suffix itself doesn't matter much as long as its unique and not used by any other phone on the same user. It's quite common to just use "a", "b", "c", etc...

If you are manually provisioning the device then just click add, however if you intend to add an auto provisioned device then change the phone model to match and enter the MAC address and line number.

TIP: You can use the same Model and MAC address as another phone as long as it supports multiple lines and you select a different line number.


From here you should see your new device appear in the list.

WARNING: Avoid the suffixes "m", "wp", "t", and "n" as these are used by various inbuilt connectors/apps already.

m - Used by the mobile app
wp - Used by the web app
t - Used by the Microsoft Teams integration
n - Used by the CRM Integration Connector