How Do I Configure a New Domain?

A guide on how to create a new domain, and what it's properties do.

A domain is an isolated grouping of users, devices, DDIs, and various other features. By default, anyone within a domain cannot interact with anything on another domain. Generally in B2B setups, a single domain will be configured for a single company/entity. In consumer setups there is a special domain type called a Residential Domain (see How does a residential domain differ from a regular domain?).

All end users/devices require a domain to function.

To add a new domain, first select the “Domains” tab under the global view. From here, click the “Add Domain” button on the right hand side.



From here you will see a configuration box open up, fill out the below information to create the domain.

This is the Basic tab, where you set basic required information about the domain.

1 - Domain Name: This is a unique identifier for the the domain, it can only contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, dots, hyphens, and underscores. It's recommend to keep this short. The domain is used to identify the domain in various places such as reports and CDRs. 

IMPORTANT: Once set this cannot be changed without deleting the domain and starting from scratch.

2 - Description: A more lenient descriptor of the domain, this is not used in any reporting but it supports more characters and can be changed later on.

3 - Email Sender: This is the email that any emails from the domain come from, for examples voicemail to email, email reports, and user welcome emails.

4 - Record: Enable call recording for the domain.

5 - Residential: Can either be "Yes" or "No", specifies whether or not the domain will be a residential domain or not.

6 - Status: Can either be "Active" or "Locked, a locked domain cannot make or receive calls or otherwise use the platform (commonly used to bar an end user).

7- Single Sign-On: Can be set to either "Enabled" or "Disabled", turns on or off single sign on.

8 - Domain Suffix: This is an identifier unique to the reseller creating the domain, it is setup during a reseller's onboarding process and cannot be changed. It is used for routing on the back end of the platform.

Once you have set the above parameters click next to move to the next page.



This is the "Defaults" tab, in here you configure what's known as user defaults, when you add a new user to this domain, you will be prompted to set a selection of parameters, these defaults are what the domain will set them to if you don't opt to change them.

1 - Dial Permission: This lets you set the outbound call permissions of a user, for example "UK Only" would mean the user can only dial UK numbers and not internationally.

2 - Language: Set the language of the user.

3 - Timezone: Set the timezone of the user. For UK time with daylight savings, set this to Europe/London.

4 - Area Code: This is a feature setup for international compatibility, and is required by carriers in some countries. It is not used in the UK so we recommend you just set this to "000".

5 - Caller Name: The name associated with outbound calls used for Emergency Services.

6 - Caller ID: This is the default outbound caller ID for users.

IMPORTANT: This is also the default caller ID send to emergency services, if you want to change the default emergency caller ID per user, make sure to change it later.

7 - Randomize Music On Hold: Uploading more than a single MOH file into the platform will by default play the music in order, if you set this to yes it will play a random file at the end of each file.

8 - Message and Enable Voicemail: Enable voicemail and write the message that's used by default for each user. This uses a text to speech engine, to learn more about the options when it comes to text to speech messages see What options do I have when uploading greeting messages?

9 - Language: Set the language of the text to speech engine.

10 - Voice: Pick a voice for the text to speech engine

Once you've filled out the defaults, click next.



This is the "Limitations" tab, in here you can limit what your end users can do


1 - Active Call Limit: The active call limit is a hard cap on all concurrent calls that are made within the domain, be careful when setting this to low values as some actions require more than 1 active call. For example, if you have users that transfer calls, each act of transferring a call requires 2 active calls (one for the call that's being transferred, and one for the target of the transfer whilst the transfer is taking place). If the active call limit is hit, any further attempts to make calls will show as having no service to the end user until someone is no longer on the phone.

2 - External Call Limit: Similar to active call limit, the external call limit is a hard cap on concurrent calls to and form external phone numbers, this includes geo, non geo, mobile, and international phone numbers, but does not include calls between extensions and routes within the domain itself. For example, if you had someone call in externally and then transferred the call, this would only take up 1 external call as the internal call to the target of the transfer would not be counted.

3 - Max Features: All of these options are to limit the total number of a certain feature that the end user can add to their domain, for example setting the "Max Users" to "5" will prevent the end user from adding any more than 5 users. You can also set these to "disabled" if you'd like to disable a feature entirely.

When ready, click next.



This is the recording quota tab, this is explained here: How to configure call recording.


Once you have configured your desired limitations you can click "Add" to create the domain.

Once the domain is created you can enter into the domain view to setup any features by clicking the domain name under the domain view, or by searching for it in the quick search under the "Home" view.

IMPORTANT: If someone else in you organization creates a domain whilst you are logged in, it may not show up for you until you log out and back in.