DNS and SMTP Setup Guide

This article explains what needs to be done to point your desired FQDN at our servers.

Create DNS A Records for the Manager Portal

The steps outlined below will assume that the primary portal FQDN is portal.luminatewholesale.com while your FQDN will be portal.mydomain.com

The A record for portal.mydomain.com should generally be the same as that of portal.luminatewholesale.com. For example:


Type Domain Name Value TTL
A portal.luminatewholesale.com 1800
A portal.mydomain.com 1800

Alternatively, you could create a CNAME record for the portal. The advantage is you do not have to update DNS records in the event that your portal servers change, however, this does expose the main server host if someone looks further into the DNS configuration.


Type Domain Name Value TTL
CNAME portal.mydomain.com portal.luminatewholesale.com 1800

Also, ensure SSL certificates for domains are loaded per the instructions, please send these across and we will upload them to our servers.

Are Core SRV Records Needed?

SRV records can be created in your domain (for example, _sip._udp.core1.mydomain.com) however there are a few major reasons why this may not be a good idea.

  1. There is often a high failure rate when setting up SRV records. The performance of the system is dependent upon this, so you may end up attributing problems to us when they are really related to DNS misconfiguration on your part.
  2. Core records only bind to the primary SSL certificate so TLS/SRTP will not work for reseller-specific Core SRV records unless the SRV values are in the luminatewholesale.com domain.


Email Sending

If you want to send email from your own domain, then by default our servers will attempt to send as you, however this will likely result in errors and emails going to junk.

To prevent this you need to provide SMTP details for the email you wish you to use. This is normally managed as part of your onboarding however if this is still outstanding please submit a ticket containing your SMTP details to help.luminatewholesale.com (or raise a ticket in the phone portal.

IMPORTANT: The moment we upload your SMTP details then any other emails will stop working.

Please ensure that you provide accurate details, as if incorrect details are supplied it will prevent email from working at all on your account until it is fixed.

Our core IP addresses are as follows: