Cisco - General Information

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Provisionable Devices

The below devices are provisionable

WARNING - domains with an underscore ("_") in the name will not register (tested with SPA509g firmware)

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Provisioning URL

The following methods can be used to get phones pointed to the Endpoints Module:

Note - The Luminate Provisioning Tool only works on phones with MPP firmware.

  1. The Luminate Provisioning Tool can be used to provision Cisco devices remotely via factory reset (See here for a guide)
  2. Web Interface - set provisioning server to http://<EndpointsFQDN>/cfg/spa$MA.cfg
  3. DHCP options
  4. Customer Device Activation (formerly known as EDOS), read "How does Customer Device Activation (CDA) (Formerly known as EDOS) work and how-to setup?"

Note: Cisco SPA devices only accept HTTPS provisioning with certs signed by their own CA, so we recommend only using HTTP provisioning with them.

Defaults and Overrides

When you see the XML configuration examples you'll see something similar to this: <Parameter ua="na">value</Parameter>

Overrides are always formatted like Parameter="Value", ignore the ua="na", and Endpoints will convert to the appropriate XML formatting.

For parameters with an index like <Dial_Plan_1_ ua="na"> the parameter is actually Dial_Plan[1].

Note these devices will pull defaults from the Linksys and not from the Cisco defaults as they use LinksysXML code structure.

BLF and Directory

BLF and directory are configured via the Builder.

You may need to add the below override to get the phone to power sidecars.


Shared Line Appearance (SLA)

SLA can be provisioned but has not been extensively tested.


Cisco phones are provisioned with SRV geo-redundancy when applicable. 


UDP, TCP, and TLS transport can be selected. TLS transport selection does not automatically load certs to the configuration. 


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