Advanced CDR Format Guide

When downloading CDRs one of the formats is "Advanced". This article explains what all the columns mean.

This format is available as a Call Detail Record (CDR) export option. This format takes the raw
data and “cleans and simplifies” the data for parsing by billing providers. CDR’s are filtered to only have
two call types, origination” and “termination”. Any on-­net traffic is filtered off.

Any CDR’s with multiple call types are split and two CDR’s are generated. An example of this would be an inbound call and forward to a mobile phone. This format would contain an origination and termination leg. There are 13 fields in this modified format delivered as a csv file. The same headers are used for both origination and termination.


CDR Field Description
Call Type This field will either be “origination”, “termination”, “on-net”, or “missed”. Origination will be inbound calls to the phone system; termination will be calls placed from a user to an offnet number; on-net will be calls made from user/feature to another; and missed will be calls that were completed and sent to voicemail.
Domain This will be the domain on the phone system that the call should be billed to.
User This will be the user on the phone system that the call should be billed to. It can be string lengths ranging from 2 to 10 digits in length based on how the domain is setup.

Termination - The CallerID of the person calling the user from the PSTN (FROM number)


Missed - The CallerID of the person calling the user from the PSTN (FROM number)

Time Start This is the start time for the call in the GMT time zone. in the format YYYY­MM-­DD HH:MM:SS. Will not be null.
Time Answer This is the time the call was answered in the GMT time zone. in the format
YYYY-­MM-­DD HH:MM:SS. May be null on a unanswered call.
Duration The length of the call, in seconds.
Remote number

Origination - The CallerID of the person calling the user from the PSTN (FROM number)


Termination - The DID of the user that was called. (TO number)

Missed - The CallerID of the person calling the user from the PSTN (FROM


In most cases will be 10­11 digits.

Dialled number

Origination - The DID of the user that was called. (TO number)

Missed - The DID of the user that was called. (TO number)

May be 2-­10 digits in length.

CallID This is the phone system Call­-ID for this call (not to be confused with "Caller ID").
Orig IP This is the IP address of the Origination side of the call.
Term IP This is the IP address of the Termination side of the call.
Release Cause

This is the NetSapiens Release Reason of the call. May contain an error or a clean release code.


Release Reasons

When a call terminates, there is a "Release Cause" reason listed in the CDR. Here are some of the most common reasons:


Value Description
Cancel Connect The connection was cancelled.
Connect The call was connected to another destination; e.g caller was answered by the auto attendant and then connected to an extension.
Curl Err: 18 Web Responder - A file transfer was shorter or larger than expected.
Curl Err: 23 Web Responder - An error occurred when writing received data to a local file.
Curl Err: 28 Web Responder - Operation timeout. The specified time-out period was reached according to the conditions.
Curl Err: 7 Web Responder - Failed to connect to host or proxy.
Dispatched Call dispatched from Call Queue.
Domain Limit The call was blocked because its associated domain has exceeded the provisioned limit.
Incompatible Media There is no compatible codec to support this call.
Invalid PIN An invalid PIN was entered.
Max Recording The call was disconnected by reaching the maximum allowed recording duration.
Message Sent The recorded message was sent.
302 Moved The terminating destination is temporarily moved.  The terminating destination may have forwarding enabled on the phone.
No ACK Timeout The call was disconnected because the answer (i.e. 200 OK) was not acknowledged.
No Answer The was no answer from the termination side.
No Audio File An audio file needed to be played out cannot be found.
No Dial Rule The dialing cannot be matched by any dial rule associated with the caller.
No digit Digit Collection timed-out before any digit was received.
No Orig Match Origination does match any defined Registrar or Connection entry.
No Response No Response received from the forward leg.
No Route No defined route can be found for this call.
No Subscriber Requested Subscriber does not exist.
Not Found The intended termination cannot be found.
Orig: Bye Call was ended by a BYE from the origination side.
Orig: Cancel Call was canceled by the origination side while the termination side was being rung but not yet answered.
Restart The system restarted during the call.
Term Locked The termination was disabled from service by the system administrator.
Term: 403 The termination side forbids this call.
Term: 404 The termination side reports Not Found.
Term: 480 The termination side temporarily Unavailable.
Term: 481 The termination side reports Call/Transaction Does Not Exist.
Term: 486 The termination side is busy.
Term: 487 The termination side reports Request Terminated.
Term: 503 The termination side reports Service Unavailable.
Term: 603 The call has been declined by the termination side.
Term: Bye Call was ended by a BYE from the termination side.
Term: Reg Expired Registration is Expired on the termination side.
Time Limit The call exceeded Time Limit.
Transferred The call was transferred.
Wrong Orig IP Origination IP is Wrong.